- Relationship among Seismology, Volcanology, and Tectonicsプレートテクトニクスの枠組みにおける地震・火山の役割
- Comprehensive Understanding of Seismic Wave Sources地震波源の総合的理解
- Low-Frequency Earthquake低周波地震
- Seismicity地震活動
- Cryoseismology (Glacier Seismology)氷河での地震学
- Realtime Seismologyリアルタイム地震モニタリング
- Seismology in society地震と社会
We welcome students to work together. Please email me with (a) the reason why you’re interested in working with me, rather than others, and (b) your weakeness that could become strength by working with me. Please be aware of the fact that scholarship for grad students is very limited in Japan.
Minimum requirement必要要件
- Motivation to learn useful skills for your future career将来のキャリアのためにスキルを身に付けたいと思っていること
- Communicability to have a constructive discussion教員とコミュニケーションをとれること
- Active attitude to solve problems一方的に教員に教わるのではなく、教員と共に学ぶという、主体的な研究活動に抵抗のないこと
We welcome researchers (including students) to collaborate with. There are multiple programs to support your visits.
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Summer Program)
- Graduate students or researchers (within 6 years after receiving Ph.D.) who have citizenship of UK, France, Germany, Canada, or Sweden (2 months from June to August)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Strategic Program)
- Graduate student or researchers working in Swiss (3–6 months)
- Graduate student in the US who receives GRF program (3–12 months)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term)
- Graduate students (expecting Ph.D. in two years) or researchers (within 6 years after receiving Ph.D.) who have citizenship of the US, Canada, EU countries, Swiss, Norway, and Russia (1–12 months)
- Graduate students (expecting Ph.D. in two years) or researchers (within 6 years after receiving Ph.D.) who received Master/Ph.D. in the US, Canada, EU countries, Swiss, Norway, and Russia and after that working for at least 3 years in the country (1–12 months)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard)
- Researchers (within 6 years after receiving Ph.D.) (1–2 years)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Pathway to University Positions in Japan)
- Researchers (within 10 years after receiving Ph.D.) (1–2 years)
JSPS Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan
- Researchers (assistant professor or higher level) (2–10 months)
- Researchers (associate professor or higher level) (14–60 days)
- Researchers (professor level) (7–30 days)
ERI Visiting Programs
- Please find someone at ERI as an official host so that you can visit us occasionally
- Researchers (Long-term; up to one year)
- Researchers (Short-term; less than 3 months; only travel expense is supported)
日本学術振興会 特別研究員DC
- 大学院博士課程(2–3年間)
日本学術振興会 特別研究員PD
- 博士取得後5年未満の研究者(3年間)
日本学術振興会 特別研究員RPD
- 博士を取得している研究者で、出産・育児による研究活動の中断からおよそ6年以内(3年間)
- Early Career Researcher Awards若手学術奨励賞, Seismological Society of Japan日本地震学会, 2021 March,
- Outstanding Student Paper Awards学生優秀発表賞, American Geophysical Unionアメリカ地球物理学会, 2013 December,
- Outstanding Student Presentation Awards学生優秀発表賞, Seismological Society of Japan日本地震学会, 2013 November,
- Incentive Award学修奨励賞, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo東京大学理学部, 2010 March,
- Associate Professor (Lecturer)講師, Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science東京理科大学, 2023 April - .
- Assistant Professor助教, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学, 2018 April - 2023 March.
- Part-time lecturer非常勤講師, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo東京大学, 2018 April - 2018 Sep.
- Project Assistant Professor特任助教, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo東京大学, 2017 March - 2018 March.
- Postdoctoral Scholar研究員, Seismological Laboratory, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technologyカリフォルニア工科大学, 2015 April - 2017 Feb.
- Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad海外特別研究員, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会, 2015 April - 2017 Feb.
- DC1 Research Fellowships for Young Scientists特別研究員 DC1, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会, 2012 April - 2015 March.
- Part-time lecturer非常勤講師, The Kaisei Academy開成学園, 2010 April - 2011 March.
Ph.D. Student博士課程:
Department of Earth and Planetary Science地球惑星科学専攻,
Graduate School of Science大学院理学系研究科,
The University of Tokyo東京大学,
from 2012 April.
- Thesis学位論文: Deep Long-Period Earthquakes beneath Volcanoes: Mechanism Analyses and Cooling Magma Model火山型深部長周期地震のメカニズム解析と冷却マグマモデル
- Adviser指導教員: Satoshi Ide井出 哲
Visiting Student Researcher客員学生研究員:
Seismological Laboratory,
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences,
California Institute of Technologyカリフォルニア工科大学,
Feb. 11 - 21, 2014
- Adviser指導教員: Victor C. Tsai
Visiting Student Researcher客員学生研究員:
Geophysique appliquee et Sismologie,
Institut de Physique du Globe de Parisパリ地球物理研究所,
July 21 - Aug. 11, 2013
- Adviser指導教員: Nobuaki Fuji
Visiting Student Researcher客員学生研究員:
Seismological Laboratory,
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences,
California Institute of Technologyカリフォルニア工科大学,
Oct. 22 - Dec. 21, 2012
- Adviser指導教員: Victor C. Tsai
Department of Earth and Planetary Science地球惑星科学専攻,
Graduate School of Science大学院理学系研究科,
The University of Tokyo東京大学,
2012 March.
- Thesis学位論文: Intraplate Deep Low Frequency Earthquakes far from Active Volcanoes活火山から離れたプレート内の深部低周波地震
- Adviser指導教員: Satoshi Ide井出 哲
- Bachelor学士: Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2010 March.
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists若手研究,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2022 April - 2026 March.
- Title研究題目: Stochastic analysis of microscopic earthquake interactions and physical understanding of earthquake source systemミクロな地震間作用の統計解析による地震発生システムの物理的多様性解明
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)基盤研究(A),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2022 April - 2026 March.
- Title研究題目: Probabilistic Earthquake Seismology for Broadband and Hierarchical Seismic Source震源の階層的固有性と広帯域性に基づく確率論的地震発生論の構築
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists若手研究,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2020 April - 2022 March.
- Title研究題目: Diversity and Universality of Multiscale Earthquake Processes and Stochastic Modelingマルチスケールな地震現象の多様性・普遍性と確率論的モデリング
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas新学術領域研究・公募研究,
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology文部科学省,
2019 April - 2021 March.
- Title研究題目: Observational study on volcanic slow earthquakes観測と解析から探る火山型スロー地震
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists若手研究,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2018 April - 2020 March.
- Title研究題目: Phenomenological Complexity of Earthquakes and Inherent Uncertainties in Fault Rupture地震現象の複雑性と断層破壊の不確定性
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up研究活動スタート支援,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2017 August - 2019 March.
- Title研究題目: Condition of stress and physical properties for earthquakes in volcanic regions火山周辺の応力および物性の推定と地震発生条件の解明
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows特別研究員奨励費,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2012 April - 2015 March.
- Title研究題目: Waveform analyses of deep low-frequency earthquakes toward the understanding of tectonics深部低周波地震の波形解析からテクトニクスの解明へ
Travel Support出張支援
- Travel grant国際会議等派遣, GCOE 'From the Earth to 'Earths'"GCOE 「地球から地球たちへ」, Aug. 12 - 18, 2012. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費; Meeting abstract学会投稿料; Meeting attendance学会参加費
- Overseas Internship Program for Outstanding Young Earth and Planetary Researchers総合地球惑星科学の推進を担う若手研究者の育成に向けた海外派遣プログラム, Department of Earth and Planetary Science地球惑星科学専攻, Graduate School of Science大学院理学系研究科, The University of Tokyo東京大学, supported by Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits組織的な若手研究者等海外派遣プログラム, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会, Oct. 21 - Dec. 23, 2012. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費
- Support fundations for improvement of prominent graduate school卓越した大学院拠点形成支援補助金, Department of Earth and Planetary Science地球惑星科学専攻, Graduate School of Science大学院理学系研究科, The University of Tokyo東京大学, supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology文部科学省, Feb. 27 - Mar. 1, 2013. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費; Meeting attendance学会参加費
- Travel grant出張支援, Seismological Society of Americaアメリカ地震学会, 2013 April, Travel grant出張支援; Meeting attendance学会参加費
- Travel grant国際会議等派遣, GCOE 'From the Earth to 'Earths'"GCOE 「地球から地球たちへ」, June 24 - 29, 2013. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費; Meeting abstract学会投稿料; Meeting attendance学会参加費
- Support fundations for improvement of prominent graduate school卓越した大学院拠点形成支援補助金, Graduate School of Science大学院理学系研究科, The University of Tokyo東京大学, supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology文部科学省, Dec. 8 - 16, 2013. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費
- Short-term Overseas Internship短期海外派遣, GCOE 'From the Earth to 'Earths'"GCOE 「地球から地球たちへ」, Feb. 10 - 23, 2014. Travel旅費; Stay滞在費
Other Supportその他の関連する科研費
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research A基盤研究(A),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2011 April - 2016 March.
- Title研究題目: Study on slow earthquakes and tremor based on unified data analysis系統的データ解析による微動・ゆっくり地震と巨大地震発生プロセスの関係解明
- Principal Investigator代表者: Satoshi Ide井出 哲
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas新学術領域研究,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology文部科学省,
2009 April - 2014 March.
- Title研究題目: Comprehensive modeling of pre- and co-seismic processes海溝型巨大地震の準備・発生過程のモデル構築
- Principal Investigator代表者: Satoshi Ide井出 哲
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas新学術領域研究,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology文部科学省,
2009 April - 2014 March.
- Title研究題目: New perspective of great subduction-zone earthquakes from the super deep drilling超深度掘削が拓く海溝型巨大地震の新しい描像
- Principal Investigator代表者: Gaku Kimura木村 学
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research B基盤研究(B),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science日本学術振興会,
2008 April - 2011 March.
- Title研究題目: Study on slow earthquakes by detailed analysis of broadband observation広帯域観測データの精密解析に基づくゆっくり地震の物理過程解明
- Principal Investigator代表者: Satoshi Ide井出 哲
Interest-free scholarship第一種奨学金(無利息),
Japan Student Services Organization日本学生支援機構,
2010 April - 2012 March.
- Total loan forgiveness for outstanding works特に優れた業績による返還免除(全額)
- Lecturer授業担当, Mathematics for Physics A (EPS course)物理数学A(地惑), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences地球惑星科学系, School of Science理学院, Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学, 2019 1Q, 2020 1Q, 2021 1Q.
- Lecturer授業分担, Computational Planetary Science数値地球惑星科学, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences地球惑星科学系, School of Science理学院, Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学, 2018 3Q.
- Lecturer授業分担, Mathematics for Physics A (EPS course)物理数学A(地惑), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences地球惑星科学系, School of Science理学院, Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学, 2018 1Q.
- Lecturer授業分担, Earth and planetary physics practice地球惑星物理学演習, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2017 June, 2018 June.
- Lecturer授業分担, Earth and planetary physics obsevational experiments地球惑星物理学観測実習, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2017 July.
- Teaching AssistantTA, Earth and planetary physics obsevational experiments地球惑星物理学観測実習, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2011 July.
- Teaching AssistantTA, Earth and planetary physics experiments地球惑星物理学実験, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2010 Oct. - 2011 March.
- Teaching AssistantTA, Earth and planetary physics practice地球惑星物理学演習, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics地球惑星物理学科, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2010 April - 2010 Sep., 2011 April - 2011 Sep.
- Lecturer講師, science (physics)理科・物理, 9th grade中学3年生, Kaisei Academy開成学園, 2010 April - 2011 March.
Public Lectures一般向け講演等
- 10th Science Cafe at Hongo for high-school students第10回 高校生のためのサイエンスカフェ本郷, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo東京大学理学部, 2011 June.
Academic Societies所属学会等
Japan Geoscience Union日本地球惑星科学連合,
from 2009 May.
- Delegate代議員, from 2022 Apr.
Seismological Society of Japan日本地震学会,
from 2010 Aug.
- Delegate代議員, from 2020 Apr.
- Committee for Diversityダイバーシティ推進委員, from 2021 Apr.
- Committee for Election選挙管理委員, 2021 Sep. - 2022 Mar.
- Committee for Student Awards学生発表賞選考委員, from 2021 Oct. - Nov.
- American Geophysical Unionアメリカ地球物理学会, from 2010 Nov.
- Seismological Society of Americaアメリカ地震学会, from 2010 Dec.
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Societyアジアオセアニア地球科学会. Non-menber
Other Activitiesその他の活動
- University authorized website made by students "UT-Life"学生が作る東大HP「UT-Life」, The University of Tokyo東京大学, 2006 April - 2010 March.
- Science communication group "0to1"サイエンスコミュニケーション団体「0to1」, Faculty of Science理学部, The University of Tokyo東京大学, from 2010 April.